Because I'm also a human, I do understand that other humans are fascinating. Still, I'm surprised you want to know more about me. Welcome all the same.
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Quick Facts Box

Age: 26 y/o
Birthday: Aug. 14
Gender & Pronouns: male, he/him
Orientation: gay, demisexual
Family: father, mother, sister, dog
Current Home: USA
Occupation: bookseller
Education: college drop-out
Diagnosises: ADHD, PTSD, anxiety
Fav. Color: orange
Fav. Gemstone: padparadscha sapphire
Fav. Book Genre: romance
Fav. Aesthetics: glowcore, dazecore, webcore, found images
Fav. Season: winter
Fav. Ao3 Tag: angst w/ a happy ending
Hobbies: gaming, coding, writing, reading(?), coloring
Fandoms: too many... check out shrines and collections
Misc. Likes: fonts, happy endings, menswear
About Me
I keep writing things and then erasing them. It feels so weird to try and write about yourself in this kind of way, doesn't it? Well, I'm Fox. I work at a small town independent bookstore. I'm 26, still living at home with my two parents and our 3 pound teacup poodle with no teeth (don't worry, pictures will be provided). By birth I'm an only child, but when I was 16 we took my older cousin into my family and I refer to her as my sister. I'm a gay transman, closeted irl, though obviously I'm pretty open online where I can be. I like things—collecting things and geeking out about them. You won't be surprised I was big into Tumblr back in it's hey day. I like talking to people too, it's one of my favorite parts of my job most days. People are so interesting. Neocities drew me in because I liked seeing all these unique people expressing themselves in wholly unqiue ways. I wanted to make something like that too, if I could. So here I am. And that's me. I guess.